February 7 – July 4, 2025
We are so excited about Resurrection Weekend! We invite you to join us and to bring a friend, family member, co-worker, etc to be a part of this powerful weekend as well!
Below is some information to help you make your plans to immerse yourself, your family, and your community in the journey of our Savior, Jesus, from the grave to glory!
Resurrection Sunday, March 31st join us for service at 8:30am, 10:15am, and 12:00pm!
We’d like to invite all children, from infants to 6th graders, to join the City Kids on March 31st during the 8:30 am or 10:15 am service! Registration is strongly encouraged.
You may register the whole family by selecting a service time below.
FRIDAY | 3/29 | 7PM
Our Good Friday service is one of the most powerful services we have all year long and will be an impactful time of intentional reflection and worship. City Kids will not be available for this service. Registration is not required.
SUNDAY | 3/31 | 8:30AM, 10:15AM & 12:0pm
He is risen indeed! Resurrection Sunday we invite you celebrate our Risen Savior as we dive into how the resurrection impacts our lives today! In an effort to best serve everyone in attendance, we are asking that anyone planning to attend would register!
Are you joining us for the first time? We are excited to meet your little ones! At City Life, Kids Church is one of our top priorities. We know that a huge part of you being able to connect and engage in community is making sure your kids are secure and are having a great time too! Our City Kids Ministry is here to help with that!
Kids Church is available for all ages during 8:30am and 10:15am service.
We have an amazing team of people working with our kids each Sunday to make sure they are safe, loved, and learning about Jesus. City Kids is made up of individuals who are passionate about your kids knowing how valued and cared for they are by God.
Want to keep the littles with you? No worries! We welcome families with kids of any age to worship with us in the main service. We love having them with us!
Want some more details about City Kids Ministry? Click the button below!
You may register the whole family by selecting a service time below.
NOTE: City Kids programming will NOT be offered during 12:00pm service.